The 64 channel Viventi ECoG channels are clearly visible with a small magnifier. We make an RCX file for the 64 channel viventi ECoG. Then to verify whether the channel mapping is correct or not lease follow these steps.
- Gently connect the 64 channel Viventi ECoG to the INTAN RHD preamplifier.
- Connect the INTAN ground (gnd) with the ECoG ground.
- Also connect the Neurodigitizer ground (gnd) with the ECoG ground.
- Open BrainWare, load the RCX file for ECoG, Open all channels
As the electrodes are in air, they show 50 Hz noise across all 64 channels.
When the common reference is touched to a specific electrode channel on the shaft, that channel becomes grounded and the channel output becomes flat on the Brainware. This tells you which channel on the shaft corresponds to which BrainWare channel.
Repeat step-7 for all the electrodes in turn present on the electrode shaft.
After this you can make the changes in the RCX file for the ECoG electrodes and save it.
Final Channel Mapping for Viventi V3: (Green)
Viventi channels 1,33 and 64 are ground channels which are mapped onto channel-8,57 and 64 in BrainWare
Final Channel Mapping for Viventi V4: (White)
Viventi channels 1,33 and 64 are ground channels which are mapped onto channel-8,57 and 64 in BrainWare