Python and Spyder

Python can be used in various environments, depending on your OS and personal preference.

One easy (recommended) way to get Python and keep it up to date is to use a Conda package as described here.

  • Download Python 3.4 or 3.5 (too many version issues with the new source releases)

  • Spyder is an interactive programming environment for Python broadly used at the lab. It is already installed with Python 3.4 on RPis

     Use anaconda to install it on your personal computer if you don't feel like working with pip

  •  If you're new to the language, you can find various tutorials online, e.g

  • If you're new and stuck, try reading the doc first or do a quick google search, some people might have had a similar issue in the past. If you're still stuck, ask around in the lab.

  •  If you're familiar with a version of Python 2, you may find this page useful:

  • If you're a Matlab nut who wants to have a taste of the hillbilly world of opensource programming for science, you may find this page useful: