5 Neural Basis of Sound Localization

Most of our senses can provide information about where things are located in the surrounding environment. But the auditory system shares with vision and, to some extent, olfaction the capacity to register the presence of objects and events that can be found some distance away from the individual. Accurate localization of such stimuli can be of great importance to survival. For example, the ability to determine the location of a particular sound source is often used to find potential mates or prey or to avoid and escape from approaching predators. Audition is particularly useful for this because it can convey information from any direction relative to the head, whereas vision operates over a more limited spatial range. While these applications may seem less relevant for humans than for many other species, the capacity to localize sounds both accurately and rapidly can still have clear survival value by indicating, for example, the presence of an oncoming vehicle when crossing the street. More generally, auditory localization plays an important role in redirecting attention toward different sources. Furthermore, the neural processing that underlies spatial hearing helps us pick out sounds—such as a particular individual’s voice—from a background of other sounds emanating from different spatial locations, and therefore aids source detection and identification (more about that in chapter 6). Thus, it is not surprising that some quite sophisticated mechanisms have evolved to enable many species, including ourselves, to localize sounds with considerable accuracy.

If you ask someone where a sound they just heard came from, they are most likely to point in a particular direction. Of course, pinpointing the location of the sound source also involves estimating its distance relative to the listener. But because humans, along with most other species, are much better at judging sound source direction, we will focus primarily on this dimension of auditory space. A few species, though, notably echolocating bats, possess specialized neural mechanisms that make them highly adept at determining target distance, so we will return to this later.

5.1 Determining the Direction of a Sound Source

Registering the location of an object that we can see or touch is a relatively straightforward task. There are two reasons for this. First, the receptor cells in those sensory systems respond only to stimuli that fall within restricted regions of the visual field or on the body surface. These regions, which can be extremely small, are known as the spatial receptive fields of the cells. For example, each of the mechanoreceptors found within the skin has a receptive field on a particular part of the body surface, within which it will respond to the presence of an appropriate mechanical stimulus. Second, the receptive fields of neighboring receptor cells occupy adjacent locations in visual space or on the body surface. In the visual system, this is possible because an image of the world is projected onto the photoreceptors that are distributed around the retina at the back of the eye, enabling each to sample a slightly different part of the field of view. As we have seen in earlier chapters, the stimulus selectivity of the hair cells also changes systematically along the length of the cochlea. But, in contrast to the receptor cells for vision and touch, the hair cells are tuned to different sound frequencies rather than to different spatial locations. Thus, while the cochlea provides the first steps in identifying what the sound is, it appears to reveal little about where that sound originated.

Stimulus localization in the auditory system is possible because of the geometry of the head and external ears. Key to this is the physical separation of the ears on either side of the head. For sounds coming from the left or the right, the difference in path length to each ear results in an interaural difference in the time of sound arrival, the magnitude of which depends on the distance between the ears as well as the angle subtended by the source relative to the head (figure 5.1). Depending on their wavelength, incident sounds may be reflected by the head and torso and diffracted to the ear on the opposite side, which lies within an “acoustic shadow” cast by the head. They may also interact with the folds of the external ears in a complex manner that depends on the direction of sound incidence. Together, these filtering effects produce monaural localization cues as well as a second binaural cue in the form of a difference in sound level between the two ears (figure 5.1).

Figure 5.1

Binaural cues for sound localization. Sounds originating from one side of the head will arrive first at the ear closer to the source, giving rise to an interaural difference in time of arrival. In addition, the directional filtering properties of the external ears and the shadowing effect of the head produce an interaural difference in sound pressure levels. These cues are illustrated by the waveform of the sound, which is both delayed and reduced in amplitude at the listener’s far ear.

Figure 5.2 shows how the different localization cues vary with sound direction. These measurements were obtained by placing a very small microphone in each ear canal of a human subject (King, Schnupp, & Doubell, 2001). The ears are usually pretty symmetrical, so locations along the midsagittal plane (which bisects the head down the middle, at right angles to the interaural axis) will generate interaural level differences (ILDs; figure 5.2A and B) and interaural time differences (ITDs; figure 5.2C) that are equal or very close in value to zero. If the sound source shifts from directly in front (represented by 0° along the horizontal axis of these plots) to one side, both ILDs and ITDs build up and then decline back toward zero as the source moves behind the subject. A color version of this figure can be found in the “spatial hearing” section of the book’s web site <flag>).

ITDs show some variation with sound frequency, becoming smaller at higher frequencies due to the frequency dispersion of the diffracted waves. Consequently, the spectral content of the sound must be known in order to derive its location from the value of the ITD. However, the ITDs measured for different frequencies vary consistently across space, with the maximum value occurring on the interaural axis where the relative distance from the sound source to each ear is at its greatest (figure 5.2C). By contrast, the magnitude of the ILDs changes considerably with the wavelength and therefore the frequency of the sound. Low-frequency (long wavelength) sounds propagate around the head with little interference, and so the resulting ILDs are very small if present at all. This is illustrated in figure 5.2A for the spatial pattern of ILDs measured for 700-Hz tone pips; for most locations, the ILDs are around 5 to 10 dB and therefore provide little indication as to the origin of the sound source. But at higher frequencies, ILDs are larger and, above 3 kHz, become reliable and informative cues to sound source location. For example, at 11 kHz (figure 5.2B), the ILDs peak at about 40 dB, and show much more variation with sound source direction. This is partly due to the growing influence of the direction-dependent filtering of the incoming sound by the external ears on frequencies above about 6 kHz. This filtering imposes a complex, direction–dependent pattern of peaks and notches on the sound spectrum reaching the eardrum (figure 5.2D).

Figure 5.2

Acoustic cues underlying the localization of sounds in space. (A, B) Interaural level differences (ILDs) measured as a function of sound source direction in a human subject for 700-Hz tones (A) and 11-kHz tones (B). (C) Spatial pattern of interaural time differences (ITDs). In each of these plots, sound source direction is plotted in spherical coordinates, with 0° indicating a source straight in front of the subject, while negative numbers represent angles to the left and below the interaural axis. Regions in space generating the same ILDs or ITDs are represented by the white lines, which represent iso-ITD and iso-ILD contours. (D) Monaural spectral cues for sound location. The direction-dependent filtering effects produced by the external ears, head, and torso filter are shown by plotting the change in amplitude or gain measured in the ear canal after broadband sounds are presented in front of the subject at different elevations. The gain is plotted as a function of sound frequency at each of these locations.

In adult humans, the maximum ITD that can be generated is around 700 µs. Animals with smaller heads have access to a correspondingly smaller range of ITDs and need to possess good high-frequency hearing to be able to use ILDs at all. This creates a problem for species that rely on low frequencies, which are less likely to be degraded by the environment, for communicating with potential mates over long distances. One solution is to position the ears as far apart as possible, as in crickets, where they are found on the front legs. Another solution, which is seen in many insects, amphibians, and reptiles as well as some birds, is to introduce an internal sound path between the ears, so that pressure and phase differences are established across each eardrum (figure 5.3). These ears are known as pressure-gradient or pressure-difference receivers, and give rise to larger ILDs and ITDs than would be expected from the size of the head (Christensen-Dalsgaard, 2005; Robert, 2005). For species that use pressure gradients to localize sound, a small head is a positive advantage as this minimizes the sound loss between the ears.

Figure 5.3

In species with pressure-gradient receiver ears, sound can reach both sides of the eardrum. In frogs, as shown here, sound is thought to arrive at the internal surface via the eustachian tubes and mouth cavity and also via an acoustic pathway from the lungs. The eardrums, which are positioned just behind the eyes flush with the surrounding skin, are inherently directional, because the pressure (or phase) on either side depends on the relative lengths of the different sound paths and the attenuation across the body. This depends, in turn, on the angle of the sound source.

Mammalian ears are not pressure-gradient receivers; in contrast to species such as frogs that do use pressure gradients, mammals have eustachian tubes that  are narrow and often closed, preventing sound from traveling through the head between the two ears. Directional hearing in mammals therefore relies solely on the spatial cues generated by the way sounds from the outside interact with the head and external ears. Fortunately, mammals have evolved the ability to hear much higher frequencies than other vertebrates, enabling them to detect ILDs and monaural spectral cues, or have relatively large heads, which provide them with a larger range of ITDs.

Because several physical cues convey information about the spatial origin of sound sources, does this mean some of that information is redundant? The answer is no, because the usefulness of each cue varies with the spectral composition of the sound and the region of space from which it originates. We have already seen that low frequencies do not generate large ILDs or spectral cues. In contrast, humans, and indeed most mammals, use ITDs only for relatively low frequencies. For simple periodic stimuli, such as pure tones, an interaural difference in sound arrival time is equivalent to a difference in the phase of the wave at the two ears (figure 5.4), which can be registered in the brain by the phase-locked responses of auditory nerve fibers. However, these cues are inherently ambiguous. Note that in figure 5.4, the ITD corresponds to the distance between the crests of the sound wave received in the left and right ears, respectively, but it is not a priori obvious whether the real ITD of the sound source is the time from crest in the right ear signal to crest in the left (as shown by the little double-headed black arrow), or whether it is the time from a left ear crest to the nearest right ear crest (gray arrow). The situation illustrated in figure 5.4 could thus represent either a small, right ear–leading ITD or a large left ear–leading one. Of course, if the larger of the two possible ITDs is “implausibly large,” larger than any ITD one would naturally expect given the subject’s ear separation, then only the smaller of the possible ITDs need be considered. This “phase ambiguity” inherent in ITDs is therefore easily resolved if the temporal separation between subsequent crests of the sound wave is at least twice as long as the time it takes for the sound wave to reach the far ear, imposing an upper frequency limit on the use of interaural phase differences for sound localization. In humans, that limit is 1.5 to 1.6 kHz, which is where the period of the sound wave is comparable to the ITD. Consequently, it may still be difficult to tell whether the sound is located on the left or the right unless it has a frequency of less than half that value (Blauert, 1997).

Figure 5.4

The interaural time delay for a sinusoidal stimulus results in a phase shift between the signals at each ear. For ongoing pure-tone stimuli, the auditory system does not know at which ear the sound is leading and which it is lagging. There are therefore two potential ITDs associated with each interaural phase difference, as shown by the black and gray arrows. However, the shorter ITD normally dominates our percept of where the sound. Even so, the same ITD will be generated by a sound source positioned at an equivalent angle on the other side of the interaural axis (gray loudspeaker). This cue is therefore spatially ambiguous and cannot distinguish between sounds located in front of and behind the head.

We can demonstrate the frequency dependence of the binaural cues by presenting carefully calibrated sounds over headphones. When identical stimuli are delivered directly to the ears in this fashion, the sound will be perceived in the middle of the head. If, however, an ITD or ILD is introduced, the stimulus will still sound as though it originates inside the head, but will now be “lateralized” toward the ear through which the earlier or more intense stimulus was presented. If one tone is presented to the left ear and a second tone with a slightly different frequency is delivered at the same time to the right ear, the tone with the higher frequency will begin to lead because it has a shorter period (figure 5.5). This causes the sound to be heard as if it is moving from the middle of the head toward that ear. But once the tones are 180° out of phase, the signal leads in the other ear, and so the sound will shift to that side and then move back to the center of the head as the phase difference returns to zero. This oscillation is known as a “binaural beat,” and occurs only for frequencies up to about 1.6 kHz (Sound Example “Binaural Beats” on the book’s web site <flag>).

Figure 5.5

Schematic showing what the interaural phase relationship would be for sound source directions in the horizontal plane in front of the listener. For source directions to the left, the sound in the left ear (black trace) leads in time before the sound in the right ear (gray trace), while for source directions to the right, the right ear leads. Consequently, tones of slightly different frequencies presented over headphones to each ear, so that their interaural phase difference constantly shifts (so-called binaural beat stimuli), may create the sensation of a sound moving from one side to the other, then “jumping back” to the far side, only to resume a steady movement. Note that the perceived moving sound images usually sound as if they move inside the head, between the ears. The rate at which the sound loops around inside the head is determined by the difference between the two tone frequencies.

The fact that the binaural cues available with pure-tone stimuli operate over different frequency ranges was actually recognized as long ago as the beginning of the twentieth century, when the Nobel Prize–winning physicist Lord Rayleigh generated binaural beats by mistuning one of a pair of otherwise identical tuning forks. In an early form of closed-field presentation, Rayleigh used long tubes to deliver the tones from each tuning fork separately to the two ears of his subjects. He concluded that ITDs are used to determine the lateral locations of low-frequency tones, whereas ILDs provide the primary cue at higher frequencies. This finding has since become known as the “duplex theory” of sound localization. Studies in which sounds are presented over headphones have provided considerable support for the duplex theory. Indeed, the sensitivity of human listeners to ITDs or ILDs (Mills, 1960; Zwislocki & Feldman, 1956) can account for their ability to detect a change in the angle of the sound source away from the midline by as little as 1° (Mills, 1958). This is the region of greatest spatial acuity and, depending on the frequency of the tone, corresponds to an ITD of just 10 to 15 µs or an ILD of 0.5 to 0.8 dB.

Although listeners can determine the lateral angle of narrowband stimuli with great accuracy, they struggle to distinguish between sounds originating in front from those coming from behind the head (Butler, 1986). These front-back confusions are easily explained if we look at the spatial distribution of ITDs and ILDs. For a given sound frequency, each binaural cue value will occur at a range of stimulus locations, which are indicated by the white contours in figures 5.2AC. These iso-ILD or iso-ITD contours are aptly referred to as “cones of confusion,” because, in the absence of any other information, listeners (or neurons) will be unable to distinguish between the sound directions that lie on each contour. In the case of ITDs, the cones of confusion are centered on the interaural axis (figure 5.2C), giving rise to the type of front-back confusion illustrated in figure 5.4. The situation is once again more complex for ILDs, where cones of confusion take a different shape for each sound frequency (figure 5.2A and B).

We must not forget, however, that natural sounds tend to be rich in their spectral composition and vary in amplitude over time. (The reasons for this we discussed in chapter 1.) This means that, when we try to localize natural sounds, we will often be able to extract and combine both ITD and ILD information independently from a number of different frequency bands. Moreover, additional cues become available with more complex sounds. Thus, timing information is not restricted to ongoing phase differences at low frequencies, but can also be obtained from the envelopes of high-frequency sounds (Henning, 1974). Broadband sound sources also provide the auditory system with direction-dependent spectral cues (figure 5.2D), which are used to resolve front-back confusions, as illustrated by the dramatic increase in these localization errors when the cavities of the external ears are filled with molds (Oldfield & Parker, 1984).

The spectral cues are critical for other aspects of sound localization, too. In particular, they allow us to distinguish whether a sound comes from above or below. It is often thought that this is a purely monaural ability, but psychophysical studies have shown that both ears are used to determine the vertical angle of a sound source, with the relative contribution of each ear varying with its horizontal location (Hofman & Van Opstal, 2003; Morimoto, 2001). Nevertheless, some individuals who are deaf in one ear can localize pretty accurately in both azimuth and elevation (Slattery & Middlebrooks, 1994; Van Wanrooij & Van Opstal, 2004). To some extent, this can be attributed to judgments based on the variations in intensity that arise from the shadowing effect of the head, but there is no doubt that monaural spectral cues are also used under these conditions. The fact that marked individual variations are seen in the accuracy of monaural localization points to a role for learning in this process, an issue we shall return to in chapter 7.

Because front-back discrimination and vertical localization rely on the recognition of specific spectral features that are imposed by the way the external ears and head filter the incoming stimulus, the auditory system is faced with the difficulty of dissociating those features from the spectrum of the sound source itself. Indeed, if narrowband sounds are played from a fixed loudspeaker position, the perceived location changes with the center frequency of the sound, indicating that specific spectral features are associated with different directions in space (Musicant & Butler, 1984). But even if the sounds to be localized are broadband, pronounced variations in the source spectrum will prevent the extraction of monaural spectral cues (Wightman & Kistler, 1997). Consequently, these cues provide reliable spatial information only if the source spectrum is relatively flat, familiar to the listener, or can be compared between the two ears.

It should be clear by now that to pinpoint the location of a sound source both accurately and consistently, the auditory system has to rely on a combination of spatial cues. It is possible to measure their relative contributions to spatial hearing by setting the available cues to different values. The classic way of doing this is known as time-intensity trading (Sound Example “Time-Intensity Trading” on the book’s web site <flag>) (Blauert, 1997). This involves presenting an ITD favoring one ear together with an ILD in which the more intense stimulus is in the other ear. The two cues will therefore point to opposite directions. But we usually do not hear such sounds as coming from two different directions at the same time. Instead, we typically perceive a sort of compromise sound source direction, somewhere in the middle. By determining the magnitude of the ILD required to pull a stimulus back to the middle of the head in the presence of an opposing ITD, it is possible to assess the relative importance of each cue. Not surprisingly, this depends on the type of sound presented, with ILDs dominating when high frequencies are present.

Although presenting sounds over headphones is essential for measuring the sensitivity of human listeners or auditory neurons to binaural cues, this approach typically overlooks the contribution of the spectral cues in sound localization. Indeed, the very fact that sounds are perceived to originate within the head or at a position very close to one or the other ear indicates that localization per se is not really being studied. If the filter properties of the head and external ears—the so-called head-related transfer function—are measured and then incorporated in the signals played over headphones, however, the resulting stimuli will be externalized, that is, they will sound as though they come from outside rather than inside the head (Hartmann & Wittenberg, 1996; Wightman & Kistler, 1989). The steps involved in generating virtual acoustic space (VAS) stimuli, which can be localized just as accurately as real sound sources in the external world (Wightman & Kistler, 1989), are summarized in figure 5.6 (Sound Example “Virtual Acoustic Space” on the book’s web site <flag>).

Figure 5.6

Construction of virtual acoustic space. Probe tube microphones are inserted into the ear canal of the subject, and used to measure the directional filtering properties of each ear. Digital filters that replicate the acoustical properties of the external ears are then constructed. With these digital filters, headphone signals can be produced that sound as though they were presented out in space.

You might ask why we would want to go to so much trouble to simulate real sound locations over headphones when we could just present stimuli from loudspeakers in the free field. This comes down to a question of stimulus control. For example, one of the great advantages of VAS techniques is that ITDs, ILDs, and spectral cues can be manipulated largely independently. Using this approach, Wightman and Kistler (1992) measured localization accuracy for stimuli in which ITDs signaled one direction and ILDs and spectral cues signaled another. They found that ITDs dominate the localization of broadband sounds that contain low-frequency components, which is in general agreement with the duplex theory mentioned previously. Nevertheless, you may be aware that many manufacturers of audio equipment have begun to produce “surround-sound” systems, which typically consist of an array of perhaps five mid- to high-frequency loudspeakers, but only a single “subwoofer” to deliver the low frequencies. These surround-sound systems can achieve fairly convincing spatialized sound if the high-frequency speaker array is correctly set up. But since there is only one subwoofer (the positioning of which is fairly unimportant), these systems cannot provide the range of low-frequency ITDs corresponding to the ILDs and spectral cues available from the array of high-frequency speakers. Thus, ITDs do not dominate our percept of sound source location for the wide gamut of sounds that we would typically listen to over devices such as surround-sound home theater systems. Indeed, it is becoming clear that the relative weighting the brain gives different localization cues can change according to how reliable they are (Kumpik, Kacelnik, & King, 2010; Van Wanrooij & Van Opstal 2007). Many hours of listening to stereophonic music over headphones, for example, which normally contains no ITDs and only somewhat unnatural ILDs, may thus train our brains to become less sensitive to ITDs. We will revisit the neural basis for this type of reweighting of spatial cues in chapter 7, when we consider the plasticity of spatial processing.

5.2 Determining Sound Source Distance

The cues we have described so far are useful primarily for determining sound source direction. But being able estimate target distance is also important, particularly if, as is usually the case, either the listener or the target is moving. One obvious, although not very accurate, cue to distance is loudness. As we already mentioned in section 1.7, if the sound source is in an open environment with no walls or other obstacles nearby, then the sound energy radiating from the source will decline with the inverse square of the distance. In practice, this means that the sound level declines by 6 dB for each doubling of distance. Louder sounds are therefore more likely to be from nearby sources, much as the size of the image of an object on the retina provides a clue as to its distance from the observer. But this is reliable only if the object to be localized is familiar, that is, the intensity of the sound at the source, or the actual size of the object is known. It therefore works reasonably well for stimuli such as speech at normal conversational sound levels, but distance perception in free field conditions for unfamiliar sounds is not very good.

Also, things become more complicated either in close proximity to the sound source or in reverberant environments, such as rooms with walls that reflect sound. In the “near field,” that is, at distances close enough to the sound source that the source cannot be approximated as a simple point source, the sound field can be rather complex, affecting both spectral cues and ILDs in idiosyncratic ways (Coleman, 1963). As a consequence, ILDs and spectral cues in the near-field could, in theory, provide potential cues for sound distance as well as direction. More important, within enclosed rooms, the human auditory system is able to use reverberation cues to base absolute distance judgments on the proportion of sound energy reaching the ears directly from the sound source compared to that reflected by the walls of the room. Bronkhorst and Houtgast (1999) used VAS stimuli to confirm this by showing that listeners’ sound distance perception is impaired if either the number or level of the “reflected” parts of the sound are changed.

While many comparative studies of directional hearing have been carried out, revealing a range of abilities (Heffner & Heffner, 1992), very little is known about acoustic distance perception in most other species. It is clearly important for hunting animals, such as barn owls, to be able to estimate target distance as they close in on their prey, but how they do this is not understood. An exception is animals that navigate and hunt by echolocation. Certain species of bat, for example, emit trains of high-frequency pulses, which are reflected off objects in the animal’s flight path. By registering the delay between the emitted pulse and its returning echo, these animals can very reliably catch insects or avoid flying into obstacles in the dark.

5.3 Processing of Spatial Cues in the Brainstem

In order to localize sound, binaural and monaural spatial cues must be detected by neurons in the central auditory system. The first step is, of course, to transmit this information in the activity of auditory nerve fibers. As we have seen in chapter 2, the firing rates of auditory nerve fibers increase with increasing sound levels, so ILDs will reach the brain as a difference in firing rates of auditory nerve fibers between the left and right ears. Similarly, the peaks and notches that constitute spectral localization cues are encoded as uneven firing rate distributions across the tonotopic array of auditory nerve fibers. Although most of those fibers have a limited dynamic range, varying in their discharge rates over a 30- to 40-dB range, it seems that differences in thresholds among the fibers, together with those fibers whose firing rates do not fully saturate with increasing level, can provide this information with sufficient fidelity. ITDs, in turn, need to be inferred from differences in the temporal firing patterns coming from the left versus the right ear. This depends critically on an accurate representation of the temporal fine structure of the sounds through phase locking, which we described in chapter 2.

Information about the direction of a sound source thus arrives in the brain in a variety of formats, and needs to be extracted by correspondingly different mechanisms. For ITDs, the timing of individual discharges in low-frequency neurons plays a crucial role, whereas ILD processing requires comparisons of mean firing rates of high-frequency nerve fibers from the left and right ears, and monaural spectral cue detection involves making comparisons across different frequency bands in a single ear. It is therefore not surprising that these steps are, at least initially, carried out by separate brainstem areas.

You may recall from chapter 2 that auditory nerve fibers divide into ascending and descending branches on entering the cochlear nucleus, where they form morphologically and physiologically distinct synaptic connections with different cell types in different regions of the nucleus. The ascending branch forms strong connections with spherical and globular bushy cells in the anteroventral cochlear nucleus (AVCN). As we shall see later, these bushy cells are the gateway to brainstem nuclei specialized for extracting binaural cues. As far as spatial processing is concerned, the important property of the descending branch is that it carries information to the dorsal cochlear nucleus (DCN), which may be particularly suited to extracting spectral cues. We will look at each of these in turn, beginning with spectral cue processing in the DCN.

5.3.1 Brainstem Encoding of Spectral Cues

The principal neurons of the DCN, including the fusiform cells, often fire spontaneously at high rates, and they tend to receive a variety of inhibitory inputs. Consequently, these cells can signal the presence of sound features of interest either by increasing or reducing their ongoing firing rate. When stimulated with tones, the responses of some of these cells are dominated by inhibition. Such predominantly inhibitory response patterns to pure tones are known as “type IV” responses, for historical reasons. In addition to this inhibition in response to pure tones, type IV neurons respond to broadband noises with a mixture of excitation as well as inhibition from a different source (the “wideband inhibitor,” which we will discuss further in chapter 6). The interplay of this variety of inhibitory and excitatory inputs seems to make type IV neurons exquisitely sensitive to the spectral shape of a sound stimulus. Thus, they may be overall excited by a broadband noise, but when there is a “notch” in the spectrum of the sound near the neuron’s characteristic frequency, the noise may strongly inhibit the neuron rather than excite it. This inhibitory response to spectral notches can be tuned to remarkably narrow frequency ranges, so that the principal neurons of the DCN can be used not just to detect spectral notches, but also to determine notch frequencies, with great precision (Nelken & Young, 1994). That makes them potentially very useful for processing spectral localization cues.

Spectral notches are particularly prominent features of the HRTF in the cat, the species most used to study this aspect of sound localization. Figure 5.7A shows HRTF measurements made by Rice and colleagues (1992) for three different sound source directions. In the examples shown, the sound came from the same azimuthal angle but from three different elevations. Moving from 15° below to 30° above the horizon made very little difference to the HRTF at low frequencies, whereas at frequencies above 7 kHz or so, complex peaks and notches can be seen, which vary in their frequency and amplitude with sound source direction. The first obvious notch (also referred to as the “mid-frequency notch”) occurs at frequencies near 10 kHz and shifts to higher frequencies as the sound source moves upward in space. In fact, Rice et al. (1992) found that such mid-frequency notches can be observed in the cat’s HRTF through much of the frontal hemifield of space, and the notch frequency changes with both the horizontal and vertical angles of the sound source.

This systematic dependency of notch frequency on sound source direction is shown in figure 5.7B. The solid diagonal lines show data from the right ear, while the dashed lines show data from the left. The lowest diagonal connects all the source directions in the frontal hemisphere that have a first notch at 9 kHz, the second diagonal connects those with a first notch at 10 kHz, and so on, all the way up to source directions that are associated with first notches at 16 kHz. What figure 5.7B illustrates very nicely is that these first notch cues form a grid pattern across the frontal hemisphere. If the cat hears a broadband sound and detects a first notch at 10 kHz in both the left and the right ears, then this gives a strong hint that the sound must have come from straight ahead (0º azimuth and 0º elevation), as that is the only location where the 10-kHz notch diagonals for the left and right ears cross. On the other hand, if the right ear introduces a first notch at 12 kHz and the left ear at 15 kHz, this should indicate that the sound came from 35º above the horizon and 30º to the left, as you can see if you follow the fourth solid diagonal and seventh dashed diagonal from the bottom in figure 5.7B to the point where they cross.

Figure 5.7

(A) Head-related transfer functions of the cat for three sound source directions. Note the prominent “first notch” at frequencies near 10 kHz. (B) Map of the frontal hemifield of space, showing sound source directions associated with particular first-notch frequencies. With the cat facing the coordinate system just as you are, the solid diagonals connect all source directions associated with the first-notch frequencies in the right ear (as indicated along the right margin). Dashed lines show equivalent data for the left ear. Together, the first-notch frequencies for the left and right ears form a grid of sound source direction in the frontal hemifield.

From Rice et al. (1992).

This grid of first-notch frequencies thus provides a very neatly organized system for representing spectral cues within the tonotopic organization of the DCN. Type IV neurons in each DCN with inhibitory best frequencies between 9 and 15 kHz are “spatially tuned” to broadband sound sources positioned along the diagonals shown in figure 5.7B, in the sense that these locations would maximally suppress their high spontaneous firing. Combining this information from the two nuclei on each side of the brainstem should then be sufficient to localize broadband sources unambiguously in this region of space. There is certainly evidence to support this. Bradford May and colleagues have shown that localization accuracy by cats in the frontal sound field is disrupted if the frequency range where the first notch occurs is omitted from the stimulus (Huang & May, 1996), while cutting the fiber bundle known as the dorsal acoustic stria, which connects the DCN to the inferior colliculus (IC), impairs their ability to localize in elevation without affecting hearing sensitivity (May, 2000).

It may have occurred to you that cats and some other species can move their ears. This has the effect of shifting the locations at which the spectral notches occur relative to the head. Such movements are extremely useful for aligning sounds of interest with the highly directional ears, so that they can be detected more easily. However, ITDs are little affected by pinna movements, so it would appear that these animals effectively perform their own cue trading experiments whenever the ears move. Consequently, a continuously updated knowledge of pinna position is required to maintain accurate sound localization. This is provided in the form of somatosensory input to the DCN, which mostly originates from the muscle receptors found in the pinna (Kanold & Young, 2001).

Although spectral notches are undoubtedly important localization cues, psychophysical studies in humans indicate that multiple spectral features contribute to sound localization (Hofman & Van Opstal, 2002; Langendijk & Bronkhorst, 2002). Moreover, nobody has documented an arrangement of HRTF notches or peaks in other mammalian species that is as neat and orderly as that of the cat. This implies that it is necessary to learn through experience to associate particular spectral cues with a specific source direction. But even in the absence of a systematic pattern, notch-sensitive type IV neurons in the DCN would still be useful for detecting spectral cues and sending that information on to the midbrain, and they are thought to serve this role not just in cats but in many mammalian species.

5.3.2 Brainstem Encoding of Interaural-Level Differences

As we have seen, binaural cues provide the most important information for localization in the horizontal plane. ILDs are perhaps the most familiar spatial cue to most of us because we exploit them for stereophonic music. To measure these differences, the brain must essentially subtract the signal received at one side from that received at the other and see how much is left. Performing that subtraction appears to be the job of a nucleus within the superior olivary complex known as the lateral superior olive (LSO). The neural pathways leading to the LSO are shown schematically in figure 5.8.

Figure 5.8

Schematic of the ILD processing pathway in the auditory brainstem. AN, auditory nerve; AVCN, anterior-ventral cochlear nucleus; MNTB, medial nucleus of the trapezoid body; LSO, lateral superior olive.

Artwork by Prof. Tom Yin, reproduced with kind permission.

Since ILDs are high-frequency sound localization cues, it is not surprising that neurons in the LSO, although tonotopically organized, are biased toward high frequencies. These neurons are excited by sound from the ipsilateral ear and inhibited by sound from the contralateral ear; they are therefore often referred to as “IE” neurons. The excitation arrives directly via connections from primary-like bushy cells in the AVCN, while the inhibition comes from glycinergic projection neurons in the medial nucleus of the trapezoid body (MNTB), which, in turn, receive their input from globular bushy cells in the contralateral AVCN.

Given this balance of excitatory and inhibitory inputs, an IE neuron in the LSO will not respond very strongly to a sound coming from straight ahead, which would be of equal intensity in both ears. But if the sound source moves to the ipsilateral side, the sound intensity in the contralateral ear will decline due to the head shadowing effects described earlier. This leads to lower firing rates in contralateral AVCN neurons, and hence a reduction in inhibitory inputs to the LSO, so that the responses of the LSO neurons become stronger. Conversely, if the sound moves to the contralateral side, the LSO receives less excitation but stronger inhibition, and LSO neuron firing is suppressed. A typical example of this type of ILD tuning in LSO neurons is shown in figure 5.9. In this manner, LSO neurons establish a sort of rate coding for sound source location. The closer the sound source is to the ipsilateral ear, the more strongly the neurons fire. Note that this rate code is relatively insensitive to overall changes in sound intensity. If the sound source does not move, but simply grows louder, then both the excitatory and the inhibitory drives will increase, and their net effect is canceled out.

Figure 5.9

Firing rate as a function of ILD for a neuron in the LSO of the rat.

Adapted from figure 2A of Irvine, Park, and McCormick (2001).

IE neurons in the LSO are unusual in that they prefer stimuli presented to the ipsilateral side. However, sensory neurons in most brain areas tend to prefer stimulus locations on the opposite side of the body. To make ILD-derived spatial sensitivity of LSO neurons conform to the contralateral sensory representations found elsewhere, those neurons send excitatory projections to the contralateral IC. Consequently, from the midbrain onwards, central auditory neurons, just like those processing touch or vision, will typically prefer stimuli presented in the contralateral hemifield. The output from the LSO to the midbrain is not entirely crossed, however, as a combination of excitatory and inhibitory projections also terminate on the ipsilateral side (Glendenning et al., 1992). The presence of ipsilateral inhibition from the LSO also contributes to the contralateral bias in the spatial preferences of IC neurons.

5.3.3 Brainstem Encoding of Interaural Time Differences

Although creating ILD sensitivity in the LSO is quite straightforward, the processing of ITDs is rather more involved and, to many researchers, still a matter of some controversy. Clearly, to measure ITDs, the neural circuitry has to somehow measure and compare the arrival time of the sound at each ear. That is not a trivial task. Bear in mind that ITDs can be on the order of a few tens of microseconds, so the arrival time measurements have to be very accurate. But arrival times can be hard to pin down. Sounds may have gently ramped onsets, which can make it hard to determine, with submillisecond precision, exactly when they started. Even in the case of a sound with a very sharp onset, such as an idealized click, arrival time measurements are less straightforward than you might think. Recall from chapter 2 that the mechanical filters of the cochlea will respond to click inputs by ringing with a characteristic impulse response function, which is well approximated by a gamma tone. Thus, a click will cause a brief sinusoidal oscillation in the basilar membrane (BM), where each segment of the membrane vibrates at its own characteristic frequency. Hair cells sitting on the BM will pick up these vibrations and stimulate auditory nerve fibers, causing them to fire not one action potential, but several, and those action potentials will tend to phase lock to the crest of the oscillations (compare figures 2.4 and 2.12 in chapter 2).

Figure 5.10 illustrates this for BM segments tuned to 1 kHz in both the left (shown in black) and right (shown in gray) ear, when a click arrives in the left ear shortly before it arrives in the right. The continuous lines show the BM vibrations, and the dots above the lines symbolize the evoked action potentials that could, in principle, be produced in the auditory nerve. Clearly, if the brain wants to determine the ITD of the click stimulus that triggered these responses, it needs to measure the time difference between the black and the gray dots. Thus, even if the sound stimuli themselves are not sinusoidal, ITDs give rise to interaural phase differences.

To make ITD determination possible, temporal features of the sound are first encoded as the phase-locked discharges of auditory nerve fibers, which are tuned to relatively narrow frequency bands. To a sharply tuned auditory nerve fiber, every sound looks more or less like a sinusoid. In the example shown in figure 5.10, this phase encoding of the click stimulus brings both advantages and disadvantages. An advantage is that we get “multiple looks” at the stimulus because a single click produces regular trains of action potentials in each auditory nerve. But there is also a potential downside. As we pointed out in section 5.1, it may not be possible to determine from an interaural phase difference which ear was stimulated first. Similarly, in the case of figure 5.3, it is not necessarily obvious to the brain whether the stimulus ITD corresponds to the distance from a black dot to the next gray dot, or from a gray dot to the next black dot. To you this may seem unambiguous if you look at the BM impulse functions in figure 5.3, but bear in mind that your auditory brainstem sees only the dots, not the lines, and the firing of real auditory nerve fibers is noisy, contains spontaneous as well as evoked spikes, and may not register some of the basilar membrane oscillations because of the refractory period of the action potential. Hence, some of the dots shown in the figure might be missing, and additional, spurious points may be added. Under these, more realistic circumstances, which interaural spike interval gives a correct estimate of the ITD is not obvious. Thus, the system has to pool information from several fibers, and is potentially vulnerable to phase ambiguities even when the sounds to be localized are brief transients.

Figure 5.10

Basilar membrane impulse responses in the cochlea of each ear to a click delivered with a small interaural time difference.

The task of comparing the phases in the left and right ear falls on neurons in the medial superior olive (MSO), which, appropriately and in contrast to the LSO, is biased toward low frequencies. As shown schematically in figure 5.11, the MSO receives excitatory inputs from both ears (MSO neurons are therefore termed “EE” cells) via monosynaptic connections from spherical bushy cells in the AVCN. The wiring diagram in the figure is strikingly simple, and there seem to be very good reasons for keeping this pathway as short and direct as possible.

Figure 5.11

Connections of the medial superior olive.

Artwork by Prof. Tom Yin, reproduced with kind permission.

Neurons in the central nervous system usually communicate with each other through the release of chemical neurotransmitters. This allows information to be combined and modulated as it passes from one neuron to the next. But this method of processing comes at a price: Synaptic potentials have time courses that are usually significantly slower and more spread out in time than neural spikes, and the process of transforming presynaptic spikes into postsynaptic potentials, only to convert them back into postsynaptic spikes, can introduce noise, uncertainty, and temporal jitter into the spike trains. Because ITDs are often very small, indeed, the introduction of temporal jitter in the phase-locked spike trains that travel along the ITD-processing pathway would be very bad news. To prevent this, the projection from auditory nerve fibers to AVCN bushy cells operates via unusually large and temporally precise synapses known as endbulbs of Held. Although many convergent synaptic inputs in the central nervous system are normally required to make a postsynaptic cell fire, a single presynaptic spike at an endbulb of Held synapse is sufficient to trigger a spike in the postsynaptic bushy cell. This guarantees that no spikes are lost from the firing pattern of the auditory nerve afferents, and that phase-locked time structure information is preserved. In fact, as figure 5.12 shows, bushy cells respond to the sound stimulus with a temporal precision that is greater than that of the auditory nerve fibers from which they derive their inputs.

Figure 5.12

Phase-locked discharges of an auditory nerve fiber (A) and a spherical bushy cell of the AVCN (B). The plots to the left show individual responses in dot raster format. Each dot represents the firing of an action potential, with successive rows showing action potential trains to several hundred repeat presentations of a pure-tone stimulus. The stimulus waveform is shown below the raster plots. The histograms on the right summarize the proportion of spikes that occurred at each phase of the stimulus. The bushy cell responses are more reliable and more tightly clustered around a particular stimulus phase than those of the auditory nerve fiber.

From Joris, Smith, and Yin (1998).

AVCN bushy cells therefore supply MSO neurons with inputs that are precisely locked to the temporal fine structure of the sound in each ear. All the MSO neurons need to do to determine the sound’s ITD is compare these patterns from the left and right ears. For a long time, it has been thought that MSO neurons carry out this interaural comparison by means of a delay line and coincidence detector arrangement, also known as the Jeffress model (Jeffress, 1948). The idea behind the Jeffress model is quite ingenious. Imagine a number of neurons lined up in a row, as shown schematically in figure 5.13. The lines coming from each side indicate that all five neurons shown receive inputs, via the AVCN, from each ear. Now let us assume that the neurons fire only if the action potentials from each side arrive at the same time, that is, the MSO neurons act as “coincidence detectors.” However, the axons from the AVCN are arranged on each side to form opposing “delay lines,” which results in the action potentials arriving at each MSO neuron at slightly different times from the left and right ears. Thus, for our hypothetical neuron A in figure 5.13, the delay from the left ear is only 0.1 ms, while that from the right ear is 0.5 ms. For neuron B, the left ear delay has become a little longer (0.2 ms) while that from the right ear is a little shorter (0.4 ms), and so on. These varying delays could be introduced simply by varying the relative length of the axonal connections from each side. But other factors may also contribute, such as changes in myelination, which can slow down or speed up action potentials, or even a slight “mistuning” of inputs from one ear relative to the other. Such mistuning would cause small interaural differences in cochlear filter delays, as we discussed in chapter 2 in the context of figures 2.4 and 2.5.

Figure 5.13

The Jeffress delay-line and coincidence detector model.

Now let us imagine that a sound comes from directly ahead. Its ITD is therefore zero, which will result in synchronous patterns of discharge in bushy cells in the left and right AVCN. The action potentials would then leave each AVCN at the same time, and would coincide at neuron C, since the delay lines for that neuron are the same on each side. None of the other neurons in figure 5.13 would be excited, because their inputs would arrive from each ear at slightly different times. Consequently, only neuron C would respond vigorously to a sound with zero ITD. On the other hand, if the sound source is positioned slightly to the right, so that sound waves now arrive at the right ear 0.2 ms earlier than those at the left, action potentials leaving from the right AVCN will have a head start of 0.2 ms relative to those from left. The only way these action potentials can arrive simultaneously at any of the neurons in figure 5.13 is if those coming from the right side are delayed so as to cancel out that head start. This will happen at neuron B, because its axonal delay is 0.2 ms longer from the right than from the left. Consequently, this neuron will respond vigorously to a sound with a right ear–leading ITD of 0.2 ms, whereas the others will not. It perhaps at first seems a little counterintuitive that neurons in the left MSO prefer sounds from the right, but it does make sense if you think about it for a moment. If the sound arrives at the right ear first, the only way of getting the action potentials to arrive at the MSO neurons at the same time is to have a correspondingly shorter neural transmission time from the left side, which will occur in the MSO on the left side of the brain.

A consequence of this arrangement is that each MSO neuron would have a preferred or best ITD, which varies systematically to form a neural map or “place code.” All of our hypothetical neurons in figure 5.13 would be tuned to the same sound frequency, so that each responds to the same sound, but does so only when that sound is associated with a particular ITD. This means that the full range of ITDs would have to be represented in the form of the Jeffress model within each frequency channel of the tonotopic map.

The Jeffress model is certainly an attractive idea, but showing whether this is really how the MSO works has turned out to be tricky. The MSO is a rather small nucleus buried deep in the brainstem, which makes it difficult to study its physiology. However, early recordings were in strikingly good agreement with the Jeffress model. For example, Catherine Carr and Masakazu Konishi (1988) managed to record from the axons from each cochlear nucleus as they pass through the nucleus laminaris, the avian homolog of the MSO, of the barn owl. They found good anatomical and physiological evidence that the afferent fibers act as delay lines in the predicted fashion, thereby providing the basis for the topographic mapping of ITDs. Shortly thereafter, Yin and Chan (1990) published recordings of cat MSO neurons, which showed them to behave much like “cross-correlators,” implying that they may also function much like coincidence detectors.

So what does it mean to say that MSO neurons act like cross-correlators? Well, first of all let us make clear that the schematic wiring diagrams in figures 5.11 and 5.13 are highly simplified, and may give the misleading impression that each MSO neuron receives inputs from only one bushy cell axon from each AVCN. That is not the case. MSO neurons have a distinctive bipolar morphology, with a dendrite sticking out from either side of the cell body. Each dendrite receives synapses from numerous bushy cell axons from either the left or right AVCN. Consequently, on every cycle of the sound, the dendrites receive not one presynaptic action potential, but a volley of many action potentials, and these volleys will be phase locked, with a distribution over the cycle of the stimulus much like the histogram shown on the bottom right of figure 5.12. These volleys will cause fluctuations in the membrane potential of the MSO dendrites that look a lot like a sine wave, even if the peak may be somewhat sharper, and the valley rather broader, than those of an exact sine wave (Ashida et al., 2007). Clearly, these quasi-sinusoidal membrane potential fluctuations in each of the dendrites will summate maximally, and generate the highest spike rates in the MSO neuron, if the inputs to each side are in phase.

Thus, an MSO neuron fires most strongly if, after compensation for stimulus ITD through the delay lines mentioned above, the phase delay between the inputs to the dendrites is zero, plus or minus an integer number of periods of the stimulus. Thus, as you can verify in figure 5.14, an MSO neuron that responds strongly to a 250-Hz tone (i.e., a tone with a 4,000 μs long period) with an ITD of 600 μs will also respond strongly at ITDs of 4,600 μs, or at -3,400 μs, although these “alternative best ITDs” are too large to occur in nature. The output spike rates of MSO neurons as a function of stimulus ITD bear more than a passing resemblance to the function you would obtain if you used a computer to mimic cochlear filtering with a bandpass filter and then calculated the cross-correlation of the filtered signals from the left and right ears. (Bandpass filtering will make the stimuli look approximately sinusoidal to the cross-correlator, and the cross-correlation of two sinusoids that are matched in frequency is itself a sinusoid.)

Figure 5.14

Spike rate of a neuron in the MSO of a gerbil as a function of stimulus ITD. The stimuli were pure-tone bursts with the frequencies shown.

From Pecka and colleagues (2008).

A cross-correlator can be thought of as a kind of coincidence detector, albeit not a very sharply tuned one. The cross-correlation is large if the left and right ear inputs are well matched, that is, if there are many temporally coincident spikes. But MSO neurons may fire even if the synchrony of inputs from each ear is not very precise (in fact, MSO neurons can sometimes even be driven by inputs from one ear alone). Nevertheless, they do have a preferred interaural phase difference, and assuming that phase ambiguities can be discounted, the preferred value should correspond to a single preferred sound source direction relative to the interaural axis, much as Jeffress envisaged.

The early experimental results, particularly those from the barn owl, made many researchers in the field comfortable with the idea that the Jeffress model was essentially correct, and chances are you have read an account of this in a neuroscience textbook. However, more recently, some researchers started having doubts that this strategy operates universally. For example, McAlpine, Jiang, and Palmer (2001) noticed that certain properties of the ITD tuning functions they recoded in the inferior colliculus (IC) of the guinea pig appeared to be inconsistent with the Jeffress model. Now the output from the MSO to the midbrain is predominantly excitatory and ipsilateral. This contrasts with the mainly contralateral excitatory projection from the LSO, but still contributes to the contralateral representation of space in the midbrain, because, as we noted earlier, neurons in each MSO are sensitive to ITDs favoring the opposite ear and therefore respond best to sounds on that side. In view of this, McAlpine and colleagues assumed that ITD tuning in the IC should largely reflect the output of MSO neurons. They found that, for many neurons, the best ITDs had values so large that a guinea pig, with its relatively small head, would never experience them in nature (figure 5.15). If we assume that a neuron’s best ITD is meant to signal a preferred sound source direction, then it must follow that the neurons are effectively tuned to sound source directions that do not exist.

Figure 5.15

ITD tuning varies with neural frequency sensitivity. Each function represents the ITD tuning of six neurons recorded in the guinea pig inferior colliculus. Each neuron had a different best frequency, as indicated by the values in the inset. Neurons with high best frequencies have the sharpest ITD tuning functions, which peak close to the physiological range (±180 µs), whereas neurons with lower best frequencies have wider ITD functions, which peak at longer ITDs that are often well outside the range that the animal would encounter naturally.

Adapted from McAlpine (2005).

These authors also observed that the peaks of the ITD tuning curves depend on each neuron’s preferred sound frequency: The lower the best frequency, the larger the best ITD. That observation, too, seems hard to reconcile with the idea that ITDs are represented as a place code, because it means that ITDs should vary across rather than within the tonotopic axis. The dependence of ITD tuning on the frequency tuning of the neurons is easy to explain. As we have already said, these neurons are actually tuned to interaural phase differences, so the longer period of lower frequency sounds will result in binaural cross-correlation at larger ITDs. You can see this in figure 5.14, where successive peaks in the ITD tuning curve are spaced further apart at lower frequencies, with their spacing corresponding to one stimulus period. This also means that the ITD tuning curves become broader at lower frequencies (figure 5.15), which does not seem particularly useful for mammals that depend on ITDs for localizing low-frequency sounds.

There is, however, another way of looking at this. You can see in figure 5.15 that the steepest region of each of the ITD tuning curves is found around the midline, and therefore within the range of naturally encountered ITDs. This is the case irrespective of best frequency. These neurons therefore fire at roughly half their maximal rate for sounds coming from straight ahead, and respond more or less strongly depending on whether the sound moves toward the contra- or ipsilateral side, respectively. Such a rate code would represent source locations near the midline with great accuracy, since small changes in ITD would cause relatively large changes in firing rate. Indeed, this is the region of space where, for many species, sound localization accuracy is at its best.

Studies of ITD coding in mammals have also called another aspect of the Jeffress model into question. We have so far assumed that coincidence detection in the MSO arises through simple summation of excitatory inputs. However, in addition to the excitatory connections shown in figure 5.11, the MSO, just like the LSO, receives significant glycinergic inhibitory inputs from the MNTB and the lateral nucleus of the trapezoid body. Furthermore, the synaptic connections to the MNTB that drive this inhibitory input are formed by a further set of unusually large and strong synapses, the so-called calyces of Held. It is thought that these calyces, just like the endbulbs of Held that provide synaptic input from auditory nerve fibers to the spherical bushy cells, ensure high temporal precision in the transmission of signals from globular bushy cell to MNTB neurons. As a result, inhibitory inputs to the MSO will also be accurately phase locked to the temporal fine structure of the sound stimulus.

The Jeffress model has no apparent need for precisely timed inhibition, and these inhibitory inputs to the MSO have therefore often been ignored. But Brand and colleagues (2002) showed that blocking these inhibitory inputs, by injecting tiny amounts of the glycinergic antagonist strychnine into the MSO, can alter the ITD tuning curves of MSO neurons, shifting their peaks from outside the physiological range to values close to 0 µs. This implies that, without these inhibitory inputs, there may be no interaural conduction delay. How exactly these glycinergic inhibitory inputs influence ITD tuning in the MSO remains a topic of active research, but their role can no longer be ignored.

Based on the ITD functions they observed, McAlpine and colleagues proposed that it should be possible to pinpoint the direction of the sound source by comparing the activity of the two broadly tuned populations of neurons on either side of the brain. Thus, a change in azimuthal position would be associated with an increase in the activity of ITD-sensitive neurons in one MSO and a decrease in activity in the other. This notion that sound source location could be extracted by comparing the activity of neurons in different channels was actually first put forward by von Békésy, whose better known observations of the mechanical tuning of the cochlea are described in chapter 2. There is a problem with this, though. According to that scheme, the specification of sound source direction is based on the activity of neurons on both sides of the brain. It is, however, well established that unilateral lesions from the midbrain upward result in localization deficits that are restricted to the opposite side of space (Jenkins & Masterton, 1982), implying that all the information needed to localize a sound source is contained within each hemisphere.

In view of these findings, do we have to rewrite the textbook descriptions of ITD coding, at least as far as mammals are concerned? Well, not completely. In the barn owl, a bird of prey that is studied intensively because its sound localization abilities are exceptionally highly developed, the evidence for Jeffress-like ITD processing is strong. This is in part due to the fact that barn owl auditory neurons are able to phase lock, and thus to use ITDs, for frequencies as high as 9 kHz. Interaural cross-correlation of sounds of high frequency, and therefore short periods, will lead to steep ITD functions with sharp peaks that lie within the range of values that these birds will encounter naturally. Consequently, a place code arrangement as envisaged by Jeffress becomes an efficient way of representing auditory space.

By contrast, in mammals, where the phase locking limit is a more modest 3 to 4 kHz, the correspondingly shallower and blunter ITD tuning curves will encode sound source direction most efficiently if arranged to set up a rate code (Harper & McAlpine, 2004). However, the chicken seems to have a Jeffress-like, topographic arrangement of ITD tuning curves in its nucleus laminaris (Köppl & Carr, 2008). This is perhaps surprising since its neurons cannot phase lock, or even respond, at the high frequencies used by barn owls, suggesting that a rate-coding scheme ought to be more efficient given the natural range of ITDs and audible sound frequencies in this species. Thus, there may be genuine and important species differences in how ITDs are processed by birds and mammals, perhaps reflecting constraints from evolutionary history as much as or more than considerations of which arrangement would yield the most efficient neural representation (Schnupp & Carr, 2009).

5.4 The Midbrain and Maps of Space

A number of brainstem pathways, including those from the LSO, MSO, and DCN, converge in the IC and particularly the central nucleus (ICC), which is its main subdivision. To a large extent, the spatial sensitivity of IC neurons reflects the processing of spatial cues that already took place earlier in the auditory pathway. But brainstem nuclei also project to the nuclei of the lateral lemniscus, which, in turn, send axons to the IC. Convergence of these various pathways therefore provides a basis for further processing of auditory spatial information in the IC. Anatomical studies carried out by Douglas Oliver and colleagues (Loftus et al., 2004; Oliver et al., 1997) have shown that some of these inputs remain segregated, whereas others overlap in the IC. In particular, the excitatory projections from the LSO and MSO seem to be kept apart even for neurons in these nuclei with overlapping frequency ranges. On the other hand, inputs from the LSO and DCN converge, providing a basis for the merging of ILDs and spectral cues, while the ipsilateral inhibitory projection from the LSO overlaps with the excitatory MSO connections.

In keeping with the anatomy, recording studies have shown that IC neurons are generally sensitive to more than one localization cue. Steven Chase and Eric Young (2008) used virtual space stimuli to estimate how informative the responses of individual neurons in the cat IC are about different cues. You might think that it would be much easier to combine estimates of sound source direction based on different spatial cues if the cues are already encoded in the same manner. And as we saw in the previous section, it looks as though the mammalian superior olivary complex employs a rate code for both ITDs and ILDs. Chase and Young found, however, that slightly different neural coding strategies are employed for ITDs, ILDs, and spectral cues. ITDs are represented mainly by the firing rate of the neurons, whereas the onset latencies and temporal discharge patterns of the action potentials make a larger contribution to the coding of ILDs and spectral notches. This suggests a way of combining the different sources of information about the direction of a sound source, while at the same time preserving independent representations of those cues. The significance of this remains to be seen, but it is not hard to imagine that such a strategy could provide the foundations for maintaining a stable spatial percept under conditions where one of the cues becomes less reliable.

Another way of probing the relevance of spatial processing in the IC is to determine how well the sensitivity of the neurons found there can account for perceptual abilities. Skottun and colleagues (2001) showed that the smallest detectable change in ITD by neurons in the guinea pig IC matched the performance of human listeners. There is also some evidence that the sensitivity of IC neurons to interaural phase differences varies with the values to which they have recently been exposed in ways that could give rise to sensitivity to stimulus motion (Spitzer & Semple, 1998). This is not a property of MSO neurons and therefore seems to represent a newly emergent feature of processing in the IC.

Earlier on in this chapter, we drew parallels between the way sound source direction has to be computed within the auditory system and the much more straightforward task of localizing stimuli in the visual and somatosensory systems. Most of the brain areas responsible for these senses contain maps of visual space or of the body surface, allowing stimulus location to be specified by which neurons are active. As we saw in the previous section, a place code for sound localization is a key element of the Jeffress model of ITD processing, which does seem to operate in the nucleus laminaris of birds, and barn owls in particular, even if the evidence in mammals is much weaker.

The neural pathways responsible for sound localization in barn owls have been worked out in considerable detail by Masakazu Konishi, Eric Knudsen, and their colleagues. Barn owls are unusual in that they use ITDs and ILDs for sound localization over the same range of sound frequencies. Thus, the duplex theory does not apply. They also use these binaural localization cues in different spatial dimensions. Localization in the horizontal plane is achieved using ITDs alone, whereas ILDs provide the basis for vertical localization. This is possible because barn owls have asymmetric ears: The left ear opening within the ruff of feathers that surrounds the face is positioned higher up on the head than the right ear opening. Together with other differences between the left and right halves of the facial ruff, this leads to the left ear being more sensitive to sounds originating from below the head, while the right ear is more sensitive to sounds coming from above. The resulting ILDs are processed in the posterior part of the dorsal lateral lemniscal nucleus, where, like ITDs in the nucleus laminaris, they are represented topographically (Manley, Koppl, & Konishi, 1988).

The ITD and ILD processing pathways are brought together in the lateral shell of the central nucleus of the IC. Because they use ITDs at such high frequencies, barn owls have a particularly acute need to overcome potential phase ambiguities, which we discussed in the context of figures 5.4 and 5.10 (Saberi et al., 1999). The merging of information from different frequency channels is therefore required to represent sound source location unambiguously. This happens in the external nucleus of the IC, where the tonotopic organization that characterizes earlier levels of the auditory pathway is replaced by a map of auditory space (Knudsen & Konishi, 1978). In other words, neurons in this part of the IC respond to restricted regions of space that vary in azimuth and elevation with their location within the nucleus (figure 5.16). This is possible because the neurons are tuned to particular combinations of ITDs and ILDs (Pena & Konishi, 2002).

Figure 5.16

Topographic representation of auditory space in the external nucleus of the inferior colliculus of the barn owl. (A) The coordinates of the auditory “best areas” of fourteen different neurons are plotted on an imaginary globe surrounding the animal’s head. (B) As each electrode penetration was advanced dorsoventrally, the receptive fields of successively recorded neurons gradually shifted downwards, as indicated on a transverse section of the midbrain, in which isoelevation contours are depicted by dashed lines within the ICX. (C) These neurons were recorded in four separate electrode penetrations, whose locations are indicated on a horizontal section of the midbrain. Note that the receptive fields shifted from in front of the animal round to the contralateral side as the location of the recording electrode was moved from the anterior to the posterior end of the ICX. This is indicated by the solid lines within the ICX, which represent isoazimuth contours. (D) The full map of auditory space can be visualized in a sagittal section of the midbrain. The location of the optic tectum is indicated on each section: a, anterior; p, posterior; d, dorsal; v, ventral; m, medial; l, lateral.

From Knudsen and Konishi (1978).

Constructing a map of the auditory world may, on the face of it, seem like an effective way of representing the whereabouts of sound sources within the brain, but it leaves open the question of how that information is read out to control behavior. The key to this lies in the next stage in the pathway. The external nucleus of the IC projects topographically to the optic tectum, which also receives substantial visual inputs. Knudsen (1982) demonstrated that auditory and visual inputs carrying signals from the same regions in space converge onto single neurons in the optic tectum. Thus, the tectum represents stimulus location independent of whether that stimulus was heard or seen, and uses this information to guide head-orienting behavior.

The discovery of a topographic representation of auditory space in the midbrain of the barn owl led to invigorated efforts to determine whether space maps are also present in the mammalian auditory system. Palmer and King (1982) showed that this is the case in the guinea pig superior colliculus (SC), the mammalian equivalent of the barn owl’s optic tectum, and this has since been confirmed in other species. Given the need to combine information across different frequencies to establish a spatial topography, it should come as no surprise to learn that the mammalian SC is not tonotopically organized. The acoustical basis for the space map in mammals differs from that in owls, however, since this seems to rely exclusively on ILDs and spectral cues (figure 5.17) (Campbell et al., 2008; Palmer & King, 1985).

Figure 5.17

Representation of auditory space in the mammalian superior colliculus (SC). (A) The spectral localization cues generated by each external ear are shown for a sound source in the anterior hemifield. Both ILDs and spectral cues are used in the synthesis of the neural map of auditory space. (B) Spatial response profiles, plotted in polar coordinates centered on the head, for different neurons recorded in the right SC at the positions indicated by the corresponding numbers on the surface view of the midbrain. Each response profile indicates how the action potential firing rate varies with the azimuthal angle of the loudspeaker. Neurons in rostral SC (recording site 1) respond best to sounds located in front of the animal, whereas the preferred sound directions of neurons located at progressively more caudal sites (1®5) shift systematically into the contralateral hemifield. IC, inferior colliculus. (C) Relationship between the visual and auditory space maps in the ferret SC. For each vertical electrode penetration, the auditory best azimuths (loudspeaker direction at which maximal response was recorded) of neurons recorded in the intermediate and deep layers of the SC are plotted against the corresponding visual coordinates of neurons recorded in the overlying superficial layers. 0° refers to the anterior midline, and negative numbers denote positions in the hemifield contralateral to the recording site. A similar correspondence between the visual and auditory maps is also found for stimulus elevation, which is mapped mediolaterally across the surface of the SC.

Like the optic tectum in the barn owl, the mammalian SC is a multisensory structure, and the auditory representation is superimposed on maps of visual space and of the body surface that are also present there. Indeed, one of the more striking features of the auditory topography in different species is that the range of preferred sound directions covaries with the extent of the visual map, as shown in figure 5.18 for the auditory and visual azimuth representations in the ferret SC. These different sensory inputs are transformed by the SC into motor commands for controlling orienting movements of the eyes, head, and, in species where they are mobile, the external ears. Besides providing a common framework for sensorimotor integration, aligning the different sensory inputs allows interactions to take place between them, which give rise to enhanced responses to stimuli that are presented in close temporal and spatial proximity (Stein, Meredith, & Wallace, 1993).

Attractive though this arrangement is, transforming auditory inputs into a format that is dictated by other sensory modalities presents a new challenge. We have already seen that estimates of current pinna position are required in cats to ensure that movements of the ears do not result in conflicting information being provided by different acoustic localization cues. But merging auditory and visual inputs makes sense only if current eye position is also taken into account, so that the accuracy of a gaze shift toward an auditory target will be preserved irrespective of the initial position of the eyes. This is indeed the case in the SC, where recordings in awake animals (Hartline et al., 1995; Jay & Sparks, 1984), and even in anesthetized animals who undergo passive eye displacement (Zella et al., 2001), have shown that auditory responses can be modulated by eye position; this indicates that, at least to some degree, auditory space is represented there in eye-centered coordinates, rather than the purely head-centered reference frame in which the localization cues are thought to be initially encoded. What is more surprising, though, is that the activity of neurons in tonotopically organized areas, including the IC (Groh et al., 2001) and the auditory cortex (Werner-Reiss et al., 2003), can also change with gaze direction.

5.5 What Does the Auditory Cortex Add?

Because many aspects of auditory spatial perception can apparently be accounted for by the substantial processing that takes place subcortically, it is tempting to conclude that the process of sound localization is largely complete at the level of the midbrain. This is not the end of the story, however, since we know the auditory cortex also plays an essential part in supporting spatial perception and behavior.

The clearest evidence for this comes from the prominent localization deficits that result from ablating or reversibly deactivating particular auditory cortical areas (Heffner & Heffner, 1990; Jenkins & Masterton, 1982; Lomber & Malhotra, 2008). In these studies, the ability of animals to discriminate between or pick out the location of sound sources on the opposite side of space is disrupted if the cortex is silenced on one side. If both the left and right sides of the cortex are affected, then the animals perform poorly on each side while retaining some ability to distinguish between sound sources positioned on either side of the midline. The deficits are most pronounced in species such as primates and carnivores with a well-developed cortex, and are also seen in humans with temporal lobe damage.In contrast to other species, however, humans appear to show a right-hemisphere dominance for sound localization. Thus, Zatorre and Penhune (2001) found that damage to the right auditory cortex can impair spatial perception on both sides, whereas left-sided lesions may have little effect on sound localization.

As with other aspects of auditory perception, an important question in these studies is the relative involvement of different cortical areas. Jenkins and Merzenich (1984) addressed this issue by attempting to lesion the representation of a restricted band of frequencies in A1 of the cat, leaving the rest of the cortex intact, or, conversely, by destroying the whole of auditory cortex with the exception of a region of A1 that represented a narrow band of frequencies. They found that the small lesions resulted in localization deficits that were specific to the sound frequencies represented within the damaged area, whereas the larger lesions impaired the localization of brief sounds at all frequencies except those spared by the lesion.

While many other studies support the conclusion that A1 is necessary for normal sound localization, it is no longer possible to claim that this cortical area is sufficient. For one thing, larger deficits are observed if aspiration lesions include surrounding areas as well as A1 than if they are restricted to it. But more convincing are studies in which specific cortical fields are temporarily deactivated. Using this approach, Stephen Lomber and colleagues (Malhotra, Hall, & Lomber, 2004) have shown that several cortical areas are involved in sound localization, whereas others are not. In one of these experiments, Lomber and Malhotra (2008) found that cooling the posterior auditory field produced a localization deficit in cats, but had no effect on their ability to carry out an auditory pattern discrimination task, whereas deactivation of the anterior auditory field produced the opposite result (figure 5.18). This suggests that a division of labor exists within the auditory cortex, with different areas being responsible for the processing of spatial and nonspatial information. But as we saw in chapters 3 and 4, this may have more to do with where those areas project than with fundamental differences in the way they process different types of sound.

Figure 5.18

Behavioral evidence for the involvement of separate cortical areas in spatial and nonspatial auditory tasks. (A) Lateral view of the left cerebral hemisphere of the cat showing the auditory areas. AAF, anterior auditory field (dark gray); AI, primary auditory cortex; AII, second auditory cortex; dPE, dorsal posterior ectosylvian area; DZ, dorsal zone of auditory cortex; FAES, auditory field of the anterior ectosylvian sulcus; IN, insular region; iPE, intermediate posterior ectosylvian area; PAF, posterior auditory field (light gray); T, temporal region; VAF, ventral auditory field; VPAF, ventral posterior auditory field; vPE, ventral posterior ectosylvian area. Sulci (lowercase): aes, anterior ectosylvian; pes, posterior ectosylvian; ss, suprasylvian. Other abbreviations: A, anterior; D, dorsal; P, posterior; V, ventral. (B) Localization performance for one cat before and following cooling deactivation (top panel), during bilateral cooling of PAF cortex (middle panel) and during bilateral cooling of AAF cortex (bottom panel). Target location is indicated on the x-axis and response location on the y-axis. Area of the circle at each position indicates the percentage of responses made to that location. (C) Mean temporal pattern discrimination performance (mean plusminuss.e.m.) for the same cat before and following cooling deactivation (pre, white), during bilateral cooling of PAF cortex (light gray), and during bilateral cooling of AAF cortex (dark gray).

These experiments clearly establish that the auditory cortex plays an essential role in spatial hearing. But how is sound source location represented there? As in other brain regions, the spatial receptive fields of cortical neurons have been mapped out by recording the spiking activity of neurons in response to sounds delivered from free-field loudspeakers positioned around the head. These showed that cortical receptive fields vary in size both from one neuron to another and with the type of stimulus used, and they generally expand as the sound level is increased (Middlebrooks & Pettigrew, 1981; Rajan et al., 1990; Woods et al., 2006). In keeping with the behavioral deficits produced by ablation or deactivation of the auditory cortex in one hemisphere, the receptive fields of most cortical neurons are found on the contralateral side of the animal, although some neurons prefer sound sources near the frontal midline or on the ipsilateral side. Studies using virtual space stimuli allow the stimulus location to be changed digitally over headphones and can therefore provide a more detailed characterization of the receptive fields. This approach has confirmed that cortical receptive fields can be quite heterogeneous (figure 5.19), although the majority are broadly tuned to the contralateral hemifield.

Figure 5.19

Six examples of spatial receptive fields measured in the primary auditory cortex of the ferret using virtual acoustic space stimuli derived from acoustical measurements of the animals’ own ears’ SRFs.

From Mrsic-Flogel, King, and Schnupp (2005).

We have already seen that different localization cues can be combined by individual neurons in the IC. Insofar as those neurons contribute to the ascending pathways, this must be the case for the cortex, too. As in subcortical nuclei, low-frequency cortical neurons are sensitive to ITDs, whereas high-frequency neurons rely more on ILDs. But spectral cues generated by the filter properties of the external ear also contribute. Thus, at near-threshold sound levels, high-frequency A1 neurons have “axial” receptive fields that are centered on the acoustical axis of the contralateral ear. This is the region where the acoustical gain is at its maximum, indicating that the receptive fields of the neurons are shaped by pinna directionality. As for the study of subcortical stations, in cortex the use of virtual acoustic space techniques has also proved very valuable, making it possible to map out spatial receptive field properties of cortical neurons in great detail (Brugge et al., 2001) and even to chart their spatiotemporal receptive fields (Jenison et al., 2001). Furthermore, substituting spectral cues to make one animal listen through the “virtual ears” of another changes cortical spatial receptive field properties (Mrsic-Flogel et al., 2001). Schnupp and colleagues (2001) extended this study to show that, in many cases, the location and shape of the spatial receptive fields of neurons in ferret A1 can be explained by a linear combination of their frequency sensitivity to stimulation of each ear and the directional properties of the auditory periphery (figure 5.20). This linear estimation model can also account for the way receptive fields change with increasing sound level, although it works better for neurons that receive predominantly excitatory inputs from the contralateral ear and inhibitory inputs from the ipsilateral ear, and are therefore sensitive to ILDs, than to those receiving excitatory binaural inputs and are likely to be sensitive to ITDs (Mrsic-Flogel et al., 2005). Intriguingly, it also predicts changes in the spatial receptive field caused by “listening through foreign virtual ears,” and it can predict the observed improvement in spatial sensitivity seen with age as the head and ears grow (Mrsic-Flogel, Schnupp, & King, 2003), a finding that we shall return to in chapter 7.

Figure 5.20

Predicting spatial responses from the frequency tuning of two different neurons (A, B) in ferret A1. The upper plots show the spectrotemporal receptive fields (STRFs) measured by reverse correlation to random chord stimuli for each ear. Each STRF was convolved with the energy spectrum vectors of virtual space stimuli presented to that ear for different virtual sound directions, and used to predict the SRFs of the neuron (middle row). Comparison with the observed STRF (bottom row) reveals a close fit between the two.

From Schnupp, Mrsic-Flogel, and King (2001).

Early studies of the binaural sensitivity of A1 neurons suggested that EI and EE neurons are arranged in a series of bands that run orthogonal to the tonotopic axis, giving rise to the notion that A1 may possess a series of intertwined maps of different sound features, not unlike the regular organization of stimulus preferences in the visual cortex. As binaural response properties have been classified in greater detail, however, it has become clear that there is nothing more than a local clustering of neurons with similar response properties (Nakamoto, Zhang, & Kitzes, 2004; Rutkowski et al., 2000). This is also the case for the spatial receptive fields (Middlebrooks & Pettigrew, 1981; Rajan et al., 1990). As you can see in figure 5.21, the spatial sensitivity of cortical neurons can vary from one side of the midline to the other, indicating marked differences in their sensitivity to different localization cues, but there is no evidence for a map of auditory space in the cortex equivalent to that seen in the SC or to the maps of stimulus location that characterize the visual and somatosensory cortices.

Given the importance of the auditory cortex in sound localization, you might find this surprising. It is clearly possible to construct a map of auditory space in the brain, as studies of the SC and parts of the IC have shown, but we have to be clear about how that information is used. In the SC, auditory, visual, and somatosensory inputs combine to guide reflexive orienting movements. That is clearly a key function of the ability to determine the whereabouts of objects of interest in the world, but processing in the auditory cortex is responsible for much more, underlying our perception of what the sound source is in addition to where it is located.

Figure 5.21

Auditory spatial information carried by temporal spike patterns. Responses of a neuron in the cat cortical anterior ectosylvian area to 100-ms noise bursts presented from various azimuthal positions, as indicated along the y-axis. The dots indicate the timing of action potential discharges. Each row of dots shows the temporal discharge pattern evoked by one stimulus presentation. Repeated presentations are shown in consecutive rows. Although individual responses are highly variable, one can nevertheless observe a systematic change in the temporal firing pattern as the sound source azimuth moves from the ipsilateral to the contralateral side.

Adapted from Middlebrooks et al. (1998).

We saw in the previous section that IC neurons can carry spatial information not just in their firing rates, but also in the timing of their action potentials. The potential importance of spike timing has been investigated extensively in the cortex. As the example in figure 5.22 shows, first-spike latencies tend to vary inversely with spike counts, with sounds at the more effective stimulus locations evoking more spikes with shorter latencies. However, temporal discharge patterns can be modulated across the receptive field independently of changes in firing rate, and a number of studies have shown that spike timing can carry as much or even more information about sound-source location than firing rate (Brugge, Reale, & Hind, 1996; Middlebrooks et al., 1998; Nelken et al., 2005). Indeed, Jenison (1998) showed that temporal response gradients across a population of cat A1 neurons can account for localization performance in both cats and humans.

As we have already stated, the impact of cortical deactivation on sound localization depends on which areas are silenced. There is also evidence in human imaging studies that the areas that show the greatest changes in blood oxygenation when subjects are asked to perform localization tasks are different from those engaged during sound recognition tasks (Alain et al., 2001; Barrett & Hall, 2006; Maeder et al., 2001). But recording studies have failed to reveal the clear division of labor that these imaging results might imply, since some sensitivity to sound source location is a property of all areas that have been investigated. Of course, that is not particularly surprising in view of the extensive subcortical processing of spatial information. Nevertheless, differences in spatial sensitivity have been observed. Thus, in monkeys, neurons in caudal auditory cortical areas are more sharply tuned for sound source location, and show a closer match to the ability of the animals to detect a change in sound direction, than those in core or rostral fields (Woods et al., 2006) (figure 5.22).

Figure 5.22

Normalized distribution of activity as a function of stimulus level and azimuth recorded in different areas of the monkey auditory cortex. Line thickness and shading corresponds to the different levels (see inset in F). The horizontal dashed line is the normalized spontaneous activity. Overall, the activity increased with increasing stimulus levels and was more sharply tuned for the caudal belt fields. From Woods et al. (2006).


Regional differences are also found in cats. We saw in figure 5.18 that localization responses are impaired if posterior auditory field (PAF) is silenced, whereas this is not the case if anterior auditory field (AAF) is deactivated instead. Consistent with this, both the spike counts and first-spike latencies of neurons in PAF are more strongly modulated by changes in stimulus location and less affected by changes in sound level than those in AAF. On the other hand, as we pointed out in chapter 4, it is likely that most cortical neurons are sensitive to both spatial and nonspatial sound attributes (Bizley et al.. 2009), so these represent quantitative rather than qualitative differences in the preferences of the cortical neurons.

Although the spatial receptive fields of cortical neurons tend to be very large in relation to behavioral measures of spatial acuity, this does provide a means by which individual neurons can convey spatial information in their spike discharge patterns across a large range of stimulus locations. Based on responses like the one illustrated in figure 5.21, Middlebrooks and colleagues (1998) showed that computer-based classifiers can estimate sound source location from the firing patterns of individual neurons. However, the accuracy with which they do so is insufficient to account for sound localization behavior. Consequently, attention has switched to the role of population coding schemes, based on either the full spike discharge patterns (Stecker & Middlebrooks, 2003) or just the spike firing rates (Miller & Recanzone, 2009) or spike latencies (Reale, Jenison, & Brugge, 2003). These population codes tend to match behavioral performance more closely than those based on the response of individual neurons.

We saw in section 5.3 that one school of thought is that sound direction based on ITDs might be extracted by comparing activity in the left and right MSOs. We also pointed out that this scheme is not readily compatible with the localization deficits incurred when auditory cortical areas are lesioned or inactivated on one side of the brain only. But while most cortical neurons respond preferentially to sounds located in the contralateral hemifield, others have ipsilateral receptive fields. This led Stecker and colleagues (2005) to propose that sound localization might be based on a comparison between the activity of populations of contralateral and ipsilateral neurons within each hemisphere. Although this has the attraction of embracing several of the ideas we have described in this chapter,how auditory space is represented in the cortex has yet to be fully established.

5.6 Localization in More Complex Environments

We have so far considered sound localization in the simple and rather artificial situation in which there is only one source. The reason for this is straightforward—the vast majority of studies have been done that way. Moreover, in order to exclude reflected sounds, psychophysical and recording experiments tend to be carried out in anechoic chambers. A more natural situation would be one where multiple sound sources are present at the same time in an environment with lots of room reflections and echoes. Instead of having a single source, the reflected sound waves will reach the listener from multiple directions, thereby distorting the spatial cues associated with the direct sound. In fact, in many modern environments such as a typical office or bedroom, the portion of the sound energy that we receive indirectly as echoes from walls and ceiling can be substantially greater than the direct sound.

In spite of this, human listeners are normally entirely unaware of the “reflected sound images” that each echoic surface creates, nor do these images seem to confuse or impair the accuracy of the localization of the true source as much as might be expected. The critical factor here seems to be that the reflected sound waves arrive at the ears slightly later than the direct sound. The simplest way of demonstrating this is to present a pair of brief sounds from two locations in space. For short interstimulus delays of up to about 1 ms, the two sounds are fused by the auditory system, and their perceived location lies between the two source locations. This is known as “summing localization.” At slightly longer delays, a single sound is still heard, but the second, or lagging, sound is suppressed and the perceived location is dominated by the actual location of the first sound. This is known as the “precedence effect” (Wallach, Newman, & Rosenzweig, 1949). But if the lagging sound arrives more than about 10 ms after the leading sound, the precedence effect breaks down, and two separate sounds are heard, each close to its true location. Neural correlates of the precedence effect have been described at various stages of the central auditory pathway (Fitzpatrick et al., 1999; Litovsky, 1998; Mickey & Middlebrooks, 2005). However, neural responses to the lagging sound tend to be suppressed in the cortex to longer delays than the precedence effect persists for in humans, and modeling studies suggest that much of this phenomenon can be accounted for by peripheral filtering together with compression and adaptation in the responses of the cochlear hair cells (Hartung & Trahiotis, 2001).

While the precedence effect describes what happens when a single echo is simulated, this is still a far cry from the more realistic situation in which sound waves traveling from a source are reflected many times by objects in the environment, and therefore arrive at the listener’s ears over a protracted period of time. Devore and colleagues (2009) showed that reverberation affects the ITD sensitivity of IC neurons and lateralization judgments by human listeners in a similar fashion. They found that the spatial sensitivity of the neurons is better near the start of a reverberant stimulus and degrades over time, which is consistent with the gradual build up of reverberant energy as more and more reflections are generated.

Binaural processing is important not only for localizing sounds, but also for improving the detection of signals against a background of interfering noise (Blauert, 1997). Imagine that you are in a busy restaurant and trying to keep up with a particularly interesting conversation while other people are speaking at the same time. If you block one ear, this task becomes much harder. This is because binaural stimulation results in less masking of the sound source of interest by the “noise” emanating from other directions. Consequently, this important phenomenon is often referred to as the “cocktail party effect.” It can be studied in the free field and over headphones, but the classical paradigm involves the presentation of a signal, usually a low-frequency tone, together with an interfering noise to both ears. Inverting the phase of either the signal or the noise can result in a 12- to 15-dB improvement in signal detection, a measure known as the binaural masking level difference (BMLD) (Licklider, 1948). More ecologically valid free-field studies, in which signal detection thresholds are measured when the signal and masker are spatially separated, have obtained similar levels of unmasking in both humans (Saberi et al., 1991) and ferrets (Hine, Martin, & Moore, 1994). Although concerned more with stimulus detection than localization, the responses of IC neurons to BMLD stimuli (Jiang, McAlpine, & Palmer, 1997) are consistent with their ITD sensitivity to tones and noise and with the results of human psychophysical studies.

In addition to considering how spatial hearing is affected in the presence of multiple sound sources, we also need to bear in mind that real objects very often stimulate more than one of the senses. Just as we saw in chapter 4 in the context of speech perception, visual cues can have a profound effect on sound localization. Thus, localization accuracy can improve if the source is also visible to the subject (Shelton & Searle, 1980; Stein, Huneycutt, & Meredith, 1988). On the other hand, the presence of a synchronous visual stimulus that is displaced slightly to one side of the auditory target can “capture” the perceived location of the sound source, causing it to be mislocalized (Bertelson & Radeau, 1981) . This interaction between the senses provides the basis for the ventriloquist’s illusion, and also explains why we readily link sounds with their corresponding visual events on a television or movie theater screen, rather than with the loudspeakers to one side. How vision exerts these effects at the neuronal level is not understood, but we now know that some neurons in the auditory cortex, as well as certain subcortical areas, are also sensitive to visual or tactile stimulation. Indeed, Bizley and King (2009) showed that visual inputs can sharpen the spatial sensitivity of auditory cortical neurons, highlighting the importance of nonacoustic factors in the neural representation of sound source location.